Hi guys!
I know it has been a very very very long time since the last time I published a post, but I have some valid reasons that I thought I would share with you all to maybe make you all a little bit more understanding of my absence on here.
I want to start off by saying that I have missed you all very much! I missed writing and bonding with you all over fashion. I'm so sorry about my long vacation from my blog, but due to a very stressful semester at school, my little Sophie's passing, and some health issues, I decided to take a break from my blog to give my mind and body a much needed break and to also be able to focus a little more on school and keeping my GPA up. I finished my freshman year of college last Monday, and since I have been feeling much better and more rested, I decided it was time to come back to you all. I hope you guys can all understand why I was gone for so long.
I already have a few post ideas that I am working on, but in the mean time, I wanted to share some pictures from the last 6 months to hold you all over until I post again on Friday. My plan is to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and hopefully I can keep up with that. I want you all to know that for me quality over quantity is most important when it comes to blog, so I would much rather not post one day, than end up posting something that is not up to my standards.
I love you all and I want to thank you for being patient with me during my absence.

If you guys want to daily dose of fashion and sass, you should go check out my Instagram & Twitter!
Twitter: prettyfab17
Instagram: makefashionyourown