Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mid-Week Outfit Pick Me Up.

Lately, I have been feeling pretty uninspired with my wardrobe partly due to the fact that I no longer fit into half of my clothes comfortably and partly because I've matured out of most of my wardrobe. Now that I'll be a mom in a few months, my style is definitely evolving. I no longer want to dress in things that make me look like a teenager, but at the same time, I also don't wanna dress like a mom. Shopping for me has literally become so depressing because I don't want to wear maternity clothes that make me look like I'm in my 40s, but I also don't want to buy clothes that make me look like a knocked up 12 year old. I've been sticking to wearing clothes that I already own, that make me feel comfortable, and that also are comfortable, which is great for me, but is not so great when it comes to OOTDs on Instagram or even outfit posts here on my blog. I've come up with a solution to be able to provide all of my lovely readers with outfit inspiration as well as compensate for the fact that my style is changing and my clothes don't really fit my style or size right now. I will be creating these looks for you all on Polyvore which is a website and app that I have been using for a few years now and I love because you can honestly find so many great pieces and direct links in one place. I posted links to every single item that you guys see, and I will continue to post links to all the items, but the best part is that I will try to keep all of these pieces for under $100, so they're all affordable! Thank you all for baring with me, and I can't wait to post outfit inspirations with outfits that I'm actually wearing. 


Follow Me On Social Media!
Instagram: @makefashionyourown
Twitter: @prettyfab17
Pinterest: @cynthiapayan18
Snapchat: @cynthiap18

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